Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow: Season Finales – Reviews

The CW’s DC Comics Universe recently aired season finales for three shows: Supergirl, The Flash, and Arrow. Each show had to wrap up its season long storylines and put the villains behind bars. Let’s recap!


On Monday night, Supergirl continued the Daxamite invasion that began the week before. We also got the fight we all knew was coming: Superman vs Supergirl. But the real emotion punch was Mon-El leaving Earth. Although Mon-El has only been a character since the start of this season, he had a good run, and didn’t get written off too prematurely.

Supergirl’s Season 2 finale was a bit lacking. Sure, the Superman fight was cool, and the side storylines were wrapped up nicely, but the invasion was quick and underwhelming after such a long buildup.

Supergirl’s finale gets a C+.

The Flash

As The Flash finale began, fans were still reeling from the previous episode’s cliffhanger where Savitar/Future Barry killed Iris. Luckily, it was revealed that H.R. Wells took her place. Savitar is struggling to prevent his doom at the hands of Zoom, and Killer Frost starts to question who she really is. The closing moments set up next year’s arch as Wally West centric, as Barry left, into the speed force.

The Flash’s Season 3 Finale was a great conclusion, but it left some plot threads hanging. Wally’s future as the Flash is the only hope for the next season.

The Flash’s finale gets a B-.

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Over at the original DC show, Arrow, Oliver has put together a team to rescue his family and friends from Adrian Chase. Oliver returns to the island of Lian Yu with Deathstroke, Nyssa Al Ghul, and Malcolm Merlyn. After an epic battle and the final flashbacks (five years in the making!), Oliver stands with his son on a boat. Prometheus makes his final move and blows up Lian Yu, with every major character on it.

Arrow’s Season 5 finale is an epic showdown that still manages to tie up all the side plots, and it definitely leaves us wondering what will happen next.

Arrow’s Finale gets a B+.

Image result for arrow finale