A Series of Unfortunate Events: Season 3 – Review

A Series of Unfortunate Events returns to Netflix on January 1st.

[Ed. Note: Being that TV and City is on a bit of a hiatus, this article has not been edited.]

By Ariba Bhuvad

Trust me when I say you won’t want to look away for the final season of A Series of Unfortunate Events. It encompasses everything that is wonderful about the show and wraps it up in a perfect little bow. From the Baudelaires long journey of horrible luck to the satisfying end of the series, there was so much to love about the third and final season.

There is something different and more mature about season 3 of A Series of Unfortunate Events. While previous seasons felt messy and at times, confusing, the third season felt more coherent, passionate, and sensible. The other commendable aspect of this season was the focus on the actual children themselves. So much of the show has been about Count Olaf (Neil Patrick Harris) or the random cameos that dip in and out of the story. But in the final season, it was finally all about the kids, and what the future held for them.

Violet (Malina Weissman), Klaus (Louis Hynes), and Sunny (Presley Smith) faced their usual obstacles during the course of the season. While that didn’t really change and I wish it would have, it was a plus that it wasn’t just a Count Olaf-centric season. It gave the actors an opportunity to really shine and come into their own. They’re so extremely talented as it is, but this season gave them an amazing platform to showcase it. Kudos to Weissman and Hynes for bringing their A-game in the final season–their sibling chemistry made for a wonderful season.

The third season is sweet, touching, and bittersweet, and stands out as the best of them all. The story has always been about the misfortunes of the Baudelaire children, but somehow we end this season feeling hopeful. But my favorite part of the season is all the twists and turns it gave us. I won’t spoil any of them, but let’s just say there are plenty of surprises to look forward to. They make up a bulk of the season’s plot and story and enhance the overall quality like the past two seasons have been unable to do.

It’s an understatement to say that we will miss Harris’ portrayal of the horrible Count Olaf and Patrick Warburton’s cynically insightful character of Lemony Snicket. They both brought so much life to the series, and this season was their best yet. And even though the series has come to an end, fans will walk away from it with hearts full and feeling content over the perfect ending.

I give A Series of Unfortunate Events‘ final season a B+.