iZombie: Season 3 – Opinion

iZombie airs Tuesday nights, 9pm on The CW.

The first article I wrote for this website was titled The Problem With The CW. Basically, I posited that every show on that network is terrible except iZombie. My feelings were confirmed last week when I watched Riverdale’s ninth episode and the iZombie season three premiere immediately after. Unsurprisingly, the difference in quality was beyond belief. In this piece I’d only like to comment on iZombie, but suffice it to say Riverdale is pretty bad and I will get back to that in a future post.

iZombie‘s third season begins right where it’s second left off; A massacre at a Max Rager party and a massive zombie outbreak. Some main characters were killed off, most notably Von du Clark and Liv’s boyfriend Drake. Truthfully, I didn’t enjoy season two that much. I thought the mystery of the week formula didn’t really benefit the shows overarching plot line and was oftentimes frustrated that nothing seemed to actually happen until the last couple of episodes. The show needs murders to happen every week for the story to make sense, so the writers tend to move away from the fascinating story arcs in exchange for developing two to three new characters a week.

Thankfully, this issue is totally fixed in the fantastic third season premiere. The murder only happens at the end of the episode, and it’s a character that fans already know and care about. The character development all make senses, the plot is thick, the scenes are interesting and an intriguing season arc is established. I am really looking forward to seeing it all be played out. Overall, it was hands down my favorite episode of the series so far not including the season one finale.

iZombie is showrunner Rob Thomas at his best. In the remaining 12 episodes, I hope the ‘case of the week’ format is completely forgone and that Liv develops into a fully formed character, rather than a blank slate, changed every week.
